The Big 2024 – We did it!
Thank you to all who gave to the Big Give this last week. Our target was £14,000, but you gave…
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Welcome to the ECFC website. We are a family friendly multicultural Anglican church in Easton, Bristol. We desire to be a place of welcome, meeting and refuge for all, inspired by the generous, loving, non-violent life of Jesus.
We aim to be welcoming and accessible to people from near and far, old and young, of all faiths and none.
We want to grow in our connection with Jesus, each other and our neighbours.
We care about social justice, actively engaging with local challenge, the climate emergency, and global inequality.
“We want to take our part in the wind of the ‘Spirit of Life in Christ’, and so be an expression, among others, of the life of Jesus in our community”.
Romans 8:2, The message.